With the rapid changes and innovations in technology, never before have advisors had more tools to better manage and grow their businesses. But with changes come questions. How can these new technologies help you improve the client experience? How do you apply them in your firm today? Get an understanding of the ways new technologies are driving integrations and streamlining workflows, while bringing enhanced connectivity to the advisor-client relationship.
Oleg Tishkevich, Finance Logix
Walk a mile in their shoes! Explore a realistic scenario of a firm facing difficult succession and management issues, and collaborate with fellow Fusion business leaders to find solutions. This interactive, team-based session is designed to offer hands-on experience in finding the intersection between theory and practical reality.
Philip Palaveev, The Ensemble Practice
Stuart Silverman, Fusion Advisor Network
Most personality tests tell you what’s wrong with you and how to change it. Kolbe tells you what’s right with you and how to make the most of it. Kolbe’s fundamental approach is to identify and leverage people’s most natural talents — their instincts. You already took the Kolbe A Index that measures your instinctive method of operation and identifies the ways you’ll be most productive. During this session, a Kolbe-certified consultant will give you more insight into bringing the benefits of Kolbe to your business and personal life.
Ted LeClair, Natixis Global Asset Management
Advisory firms are more sophisticated than they once were. An industry previously dominated by solo-producer practices is now populated with many large multi-professional offices generating more than $10 million in revenue per year. As a result, the industry is pushing firms down one of two clear paths: build a business with leverage and continuity, or build an efficient personal practice. Come explore the current benchmarks for organizational design and compensation using the latest data from the 2013 InvestmentNews/Moss Adams Staffing and Compensation Study.
Brandon Odell, The Ensemble Practice
Tying pay to performance is a logical business decision. But in practice, it’s very difficult to implement. There are no perfect measures of performance, it’s hard to be objective in a small firm and it’s not clear how much incentive really changes behavior. Still, solutions exist. You’ll be introduced to specific examples of incentive compensation for different levels of staff that you can use in your own firm.
Philip Palaveev, The Ensemble Practice