The Votes Are Cast: Now What?

Introducing the 2020 Election Podcast Series

As the presidential election gets closer, our very own Suzanne Spradley, Kristin Bulat, and Chase Cannon will be regularly delivering updates and analysis you can share with clients through a new mini-series on NFP's Insights from the Experts podcast - the 2020 Election Series. Encourage your clients to listen in as they discuss key topics related to the candidates and their platforms with each other as well as other industry experts.

Check out our first episode below, where Kristin Bulat, SVP of Strategic Resources and Armstrong Robinson, SVP of Government Affairs, AALU/GAMA dive in and compare the candidates tax proposals to current law.​​​​​

2020 Election Series Ep.1: - Let's Talk About Our Favorite Thing - Taxes

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Let's Talk About Our Favorite Thing - Taxes

This August, both the Democrats and Republicans held national nominating conferences that were widely received as successful, despite the lack of traditional pomp and spectacle. Now that the virtual balloons and confetti have been cleaned up, it’s time to take a look at both candidates’ tax reform proposals.

We’ve prepared a summary of the key tax proposals from President Trump and Former Vice President Biden and then, just to give those proposals some context, compared them to current law. These summaries are found here

But a tax proposal isn’t worth anything if we don’t know what it means and where to find opportunities to help our clients plan with, or in spite of, those proposed tax changes. Even though both candidates tax proposals are just that – proposals – we can still see where the opportunity would lie in both plans. We've laid out some of those opportunities here

With the presidential election just two months away, election season is really just starting to heat up! NFP will be with you every step of the way to highlight important developments and how they might have an impact on you and your clients.

NFP Corp. and its subsidiaries do not provide legal or tax advice. Compliance, regulatory and related content is for general informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. You should consult an attorney or tax professional regarding the application or potential implications of laws, regulations or policies to your specific circumstances. PartnersFinancial